What a welcome summer this is: Seeing people, leaving the house, traveling!
Still. Is anyone else finding the transition a little difficult?
After more than a year of enforced quietude, filled with Zoom and sourdough, suddenly everything is crazy busy again. The entire world is trying to make up for lost time. Tensions are high, to-do lists are long, people are restless.
And for some of us, clothes are a problem.
Maybe we're reluctant to let go of the comfort of #wfh wear. Maybe we don't fit into our pre-pandemic clothes. Or maybe we just don't want to.
This past year was the first time in our adult lives that we all, collectively and simultaneously, took a long vacation from the daily self-flagellation that is pain=beauty. It was eye-opening.
I started working on Embrago long before the pandemic, and was frustrated at how long it took to bring my designs to market. It turns out the timing couldn’t have been better. Women are looking for exactly this, exactly now: the ability to dress up and look professional or glamorous again, without giving up the comfort of staying home. Embrago's bra-free clothing moves, breathes, and expands with you, and also makes you look amazing, all day and night.
For a real-world look at how versatile and easy-to-style these designs are, check out this recent review on full-bust blog Hourglassy.
Enjoy the summer. Enjoy life bra-free!